
femme à femme - Erotic Massage (DVD)

Your hands will give the touch of love. She will receive the gift of pleasure. Learn gentle, flowing, nurturing strokes for her entire body. Three female professional massage practitioners demonstrate step-by-step instructions, accompanied by soft, sensuous music. This massage is all about pleasure.

This class includes full nudity and step-by-step explicit erotic touch instruction.

In this class you can learn:
• To approach the whole body as an erogenous zone
• Feather light caresses from head to toe
• Strokes for the torso, breasts, nipples, and sides 
• Internal and external genital touch 
• Nurturing beginnings and endings to a full body massage 

Instructors Include: Kenneth Ray Stubbs, Ph.D. and Jaiya

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ISBN: Sale9780939263325
CHF 39.90
CHF 15.95
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